We offer a comprehensive parenting program leveraging the curriculum developed by Nurturing Parenting that can be tailored to the individual needs of each parent to provide necessary life skills and parenting techniques that evolve with the stages of their child’s development. The Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) is an evidence-based initiative designed to strengthen family bonds through nurturing skills and positive discipline. The 7 principles of nurturing parenting are guidelines that can help parents foster a loving and supportive environment for their children.
The 7 Principles of Nurturing Parenting
- Setting limits through family rules.
- Discipline cannot be imposed, beaten into, or forced on children.
- Teaching right from wrong through family morals.
- Teaching respect and self-worth through family values.
- Discipline develops best by children modeling parents whose example they admire.
- Strive for balance in your personal and family life.
- Practice positive discipline.
Being a parent is one of the most significant and challenging roles anyone can undertake. It requires patience, understanding, and a wealth of skills to raise a child who is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. Parenting can be a journey filled with challenges and rewards, and with proper guidance and training, a parent can make a significant difference in how they travel the path of parenthood. To be a compassionate and responsible parent, it’s essential to understand and have in your toolbox a number of positive discipline techniques, possess effective communication skills, and have the knowledge of key steps in nurturing a child in order to retain and strengthen the familial bond.
Our program caters to different age groups, helping parents create stability in their family’s often chaotic and busy lives to develop stronger bonds with their children and a more harmonious and joyful household. It is essential that our agency maintains a parenting program that provides the support needed to develop effective parenting techniques. Parents who enroll in our program can learn how to listen effectively, express themselves clearly, and create an open and supportive dialogue with their children. They also learn how to help their children recognize and manage their emotions, tackle complex problems, and develop the resilience to overcome obstacles so that their children build the essential life skills that will prepare them for entering adulthood as independent, responsible individuals. Our program tailors instruction according to the developmental stages of your child(ren) – from prenatal up to 19 years.
Expectations & Requirements
This course is designed to be a safe space for parent(s) to be able to openly share and learn in an environment designed to uplift and encourage rather than belittle and degrade. As such, it is expected that each and every parent(s) shows respect to one another and Instructors to allow those who wish to share to do so in a safe environment. Classes can be conducted via Zoom, in-person, or in-home based upon individual comfort level and staff availability. Your success is our success.
- You will receive an invoice through QuickBooks via the email you provide below dependent on how you enroll – full course or individual weekly billing.
- Payment for each course will be due no less than 24 hours prior to the day of the Session.
- The cost of the basic course is $325.00 for 13 weekly sessions at the cost of $25.00 per session.
- If you pre-pay for the course in full, you will receive a discount of $25.00 (one free session at no cost).
- In order to receive the certification at the end of the course, you MUST attend every session.
- You will receive a workbook to assist you along the way and a pre-assessment and post-assessment exam to measure your progress from start to finish. If, after the basic course, more in-depth education is required, we can accommodate those needs as well with intermediary, tertiary, and advanced-level courses.